Ravi Chandra, M.D., Psychiatrist and Writer Archives


Facebuddha Mindfulness Challenge!

April 19th 2018 MDT

Hello friend, May is Mental Health Awareness Month - and I invite you to a 3 week social media detox and mindfulness challenge! With these easy to follow steps, you'll be on your way to making healthier choices about how to engage with social media and your own life. Facebuddha Mindfulness Challenge Please share with all your networks, and use these handy social media graphics to signal your intentions to your community! There are more on my website above. Also, there are still spots available for my Mindful Self-Comp ...Continue Reading

Self-Compassion Workshop on April 21!

April 11th 2018 MDT

Hi all - Happy Spring! Mindful Self-Compassion continues to be very helpful to me and many others. With all that's going on in the world, we need to find ways to tend to ourselves and work with our own suffering and difficult emotions. In my 2 1/2 hour workshop on Saturday, April 21, I will give an introduction to the science and practice of MSC. You will learn several key techniques which you can bring into your daily routine. Compassion is the antidote to what ails us. Tell your friends and anyone whom you think would ...Continue Reading

New book on gun psychology and identity! And a self-compassion workshop!

March 20th 2018 MDT

Hi all, Keep reading for details on my _self-compassion workshop_ and my _new book on gun psychology_! Please share both on social media, and help me spread the word on these labors of love  It appears that the FB algorithm has taken a dislike to me, perhaps because I am barely on FB, or perhaps because I'm a FB dissenter - so now more than ever I depend on other people to share my work. Please post the links and tag me if we're friends, or tag "Ravi Chandra, Writer and Psychiatrist." (Or @going2peac ...Continue Reading

Facebuddha 99-cent holiday sale! Plus podcasts, reviews and more thoughts!

December 21st 2017 MDT

Happy Holidays! I've just lowered the price of the Facebuddha ebook to 99 cents on all platforms. The sale price will be good until January 17th! Please share with all your networks! I'm trying to generate buzz and hopefully some more reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads! (SO do please write a review) I just got my first 5 star review on Amazon - from someone I don't even personally know ) (I also received a great review on Clinical Psychiatry News!) It feels good that my book is doing some good in the worl ...Continue Reading

Facebuddha: My first review - and a Q and A! Here's what Tamlyn Tomita has to say!

November 29th 2017 MDT

Dear friend, My first print review is in!  Clinical Psychiatry News: Facebuddha Analyzes Psychology of Social Media Through a Buddhist Lens Facebuddha "is a concise introduction to Buddhism, and a forceful exposition on the power and danger of social networking – deftly interwoven with a moving account of the author’s personal life and professional growth as well as his arduous quest for identity...Dr. Chandra’s book is an endearing chronicle of a remarkable personal journey. Readers will appreciate the o ...Continue Reading

Facebuddha: My first review - and a Q and A!

November 29th 2017 MDT

Dear friend, My first print review is in!  Clinical Psychiatry News: Facebuddha Analyzes Psychology of Social Media Through a Buddhist Lens Facebuddha "is a concise introduction to Buddhism, and a forceful exposition on the power and danger of social networking – deftly interwoven with a moving account of the author’s personal life and professional growth as well as his arduous quest for identity...Dr. Chandra’s book is an endearing chronicle of a remarkable personal journey. Readers will appreciate the o ...Continue Reading

Martin Luther + Facebook = Facebuddha!

November 2nd 2017 MDT

Psychiatrist F.B. Steele wrote that Facebuddha was "akin to Luther's theses nailed to the door of the Cathedral of Technology." Much to my surprise, I discovered that Luther reportedly nailed his theses to the Wittenberg Castle Church Door exactly 500 years ago, on October 31, 1517. I couldn't pass up this synchronicity. On Tuesday, I went down to Facebook HQ with filmmaker Tony Nguyen and 'nailed' my book to the Facebook sign. Video available on Facebook and YouTube. The statement that I read is below. W ...Continue Reading

$5 guest tickets to my launch! Hardcover now available! And more!

October 16th 2017 MDT

"Facebuddha is an exhortation to cultivate genuine love, kindness, and compassion.” Deann Borshay Liem, director and producer Facebuddha is now available in hardcover and ebook online and from your local indie bookstore!!! Hardcover: Amazon Barnes and Noble Indiebound (for your local bookstore) eBook: Kindle iBooks Nook Kobo Also, you can get a taste of the psychological research at two recent blogposts on Psychology Today: Don't Just Blame Facebook for Fake News: It's Us, Too "Me Too" and the Limits of I ...Continue Reading

Facebuddha available online! And you HAVE to see my animated book trailer!

October 9th 2017 MDT

"The only instruction is kindness." Ravi Chandra, M.D. Facebuddha: Transcendence in the Age of Social Networks My book is available, in ebook form! Hardcover will take a few weeks to show up on Amazon, etc. Please welcome this book-baby into the world with your purchase! Also, my book trailer is online! Please share and be part of my street team!  I live or die based on your friendship, community, shares and enthusiasm. I depend on you. I've worked for 5 years on this project - I think you'll fi ...Continue Reading

Book Launch! $15 Supporter Level added!!!

September 28th 2017 MDT

“Facebuddha is magnificent, a breathtakingly personal work that combines memoir, media commentary, Buddhist practicum and depth psychology. Like Martin Luther’s theses, these chapters are nailed on the door of the Cathedral of Technology asking us to look beyond our screens by way of reforming contemporary indulgences. As we do so our world moves beneath the surface sheen and towards the interior. Ravi Chandra’s effervescent prose locates compassion, in his own soul and in the soul of humanity, in real world relat ...Continue Reading
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